Oh, interesting, seeing my little server getting what I think are deleted user notifications from mastodon.social - except the HTTP signature verification fails because the deleted user's public key is gone too. I wonder if that's a known bug?

@jenn On the fediverse, we have to be brands for ourselves

@heather @fraying Have you discovered @nolan 's alternative web client Pinafore? pinafore.social/

@ifixcoinops Oh boy, coin op repair. I apologize in advance if I ever grouse at you about my Tempest machine I've had for 4 years but have only been able to play for 4 hours.

@ifixcoinops (but I've also got a Ms. Pac Man cocktail, Centipede cocktail, and Asteroids standup all in apparent good health, knock on wood)

@metagrrrl Thanks! They're kind of the top of my 10 ten. I kind of wish I could fit a Gauntlet machine into my house too. Maybe a Star Wars sit-down

@nelson Well, the color vector display (the best part!) is finicky and kind of riddled with design flaws. And those flaws blow fuses and make capacitors release magic smoke.

I did a bunch of rebuild work on the monitor, and then the game board itself started showing issues.

I swear my particular machine was struck by lightning and cursed by a witch all at once.

@metagrrrl Yeah, we have a nice affordable giant house in Detroit with a whole basement room designated as The Arcade. I do need to make it out to California Extreme more, though.

Pinball worries me sometimes because of how mechanical it is, repair-wise, but I guess there you can at least *see* the problems :)

cursing, bragging

@radiocaravan@octodon.social That was a good toot

I keep wanting to get a tattoo that reads "RFC1122 1.2.2"

But not sure if a) that makes sense b) it's a good idea or c) whether it should be like plain monospace type or some wildly embellished thing

Get thee behind me cheese and garlic croutons
