@eightbitsamurai@elekk.xyz I think I just went through these exact stages this past weekend
@eightbitsamurai@elekk.xyz I think I just went through these exact stages this past weekend
Honestly, the thing I'm probably most likely to spend money on next in Warframe are color palettes and costumes.
@dargi_dargon oh man it's like punching things as a skeleton, I feel this too
@swirlz ...go on.
@gingerrroot I haven't gotten any tattoos yet. But the first one I want to get and I'm like - you know where'd be perfect for this? Inside forearm near the crook of my elbow
My little @ShruBot bot is kind of making me proud, all out there making terrible middle school poetry
Every now and then I remember that I really would like to own an IBM Model M Space Saver keyboard. Basically a tenkeyless Model M.
And every time I look for one on eBay, the price has gone up by $50. Folks want like $550 for SSKs these days. Yow!
@craigmaloney @bobstechsite Well, there are the Unicomp repro Model Ms, but they haven't gotten around to SSK repros.
I've got a handful of full-sized Model Ms that I keep pondering whether I want to post on eBay or just horde them like a dragon
@craigmaloney @bobstechsite Not sure, I've never laid hands on an Unicomp myself :/
@bob Superficial as it might be, that is an important concern heh
@bobstechsite @craigmaloney You know, I am surprised / mortified by how many 90s-era beige-box PCs are being painstakingly restored to run DOS & older Windows games. PCs seem so commodified since that era.
But, I guess nostalgia's a hell of a drug, and the same thing could be said about my own mini-obsessions hehe
@mdhughes @craigmaloney @bobstechsite Better than the Model M?! *clutches pearls*
I just keep pointing at things on the internets today, saying "weird flex but ok"
I'm only saying this out loud to myself and the cats and not actually posting comments or anything like that though