Like, i went for a walk today and ran into this guy. I know he’s got an orange sibling from the same house and sometimes there is drama with a black and white cat from across the street. Also there’s a rotating cast of like 7 other cats who make daily rounds through my back yard

Also, I suppose I should, like, get to know my neighbors who serve these cats. But I'm better with cats than people.

Oh. Well, that’s a sad screen and a potential new hobby project

Listening to a tech news podcast talking about the relative inevitability of driverless taxis, and I got to wondering: If I'm in the back of a driverless taxi and the car begins to cause mayhem, does that make me (as the sole human present) legally responsible for stopping it?

Considering how the tech industry loves to externalize risk, I think I'd be very reticent to step into a robocab

@socketwench I think I'll stick to my bicycle

Well, my iPod Touch still turns on. I wonder if I can still check FriendFeed?

Sparks - “All You Ever Think About is Sex”

I love this video. Such gravitas when the pies begin fly

@thegibson Thanks for battening our hatches and tacking against the wind and whatnot 👁️

@enot Yeah, in fact I think I had a dozen of them at one point but passed most of them onto someone else when I graduated

re: Food shitpost

@rgegriff @vertigo @thegibson @nomad oh no the brand blipverts are upon us

Every now and then I log into my old account and turn on the federated timeline just to feel the wind in my hair

@thegibson Funny thing is I'm doing this at work right now. The whole internet is queues all the way down

Whatever nascent AI sentience there may be behind my iPhone, it probably only ever sees me making a disapproving face and sounding annoyed because Face ID and Siri are a couple of my least favorite things in the world

Pumpkin breakfast time again for crows. Wish this phone had a better zoom lens

Also just saw a neighborhood cat chase a squirrel into my yard, then turn around and run as two more of that squirrel’s treemates scurried down and went after the cat

Man, I love this band. It's overcast and cold and I'm going for a walk with this album all queued up.

Actors, "Killing Time (Is Over)"

This video is pretty great too. Real "Night of the Comet" road trip vibes

Actors, "Strangers"

Interesting (to me) crow update

I went for a walk. On the way home, I saw three crows hanging out in the sidewalk across the street. Might be the same as the pumpkin crew?

Either way, I went "pspsps" and they all flew over to land on a car near me and check me out.

I said they were pretty and kept walking. They kept up with me, from phone wire to car. One landed on the sidewalk next to me and hopped along with me a bit.

When I got home, I went in and got some cashews. Came back out and one was waiting for me. So I tossed some cashews a few paces away from me. They swooped down to gobble them up, and then the other two appeared and also got cashews.

Then, they all flew away. But, I think that was a good crow meeting.

Tired: Verified identity badge

Wired: Verified cognitohazard badge

@tithonium I feel like this is something the SCP Foundation folks must have figured out... :hazard_warning:​☣️

@bsharper Read that a bunch of years ago, one of the few stories that actually horrifies me :)

@deepthaw Oh that's a nice lookin rig right there
