There's an interesting scene in the first of Orson Scott Card's Homecoming books. I read it long before I came to the opinion that the dude's real gross. I still think about the scene, though now I wonder where he got the idea.
The scene's set on this world that's had people on it for millions of years. It's all heavily built up, though stalled at a pre-industrial level because of an orbiting mind-control computer.
Anyway, on this world, sometimes folks try to build in the middle of busy streets. When that happens, the folks in the streets sabotage the buildings under construction and carry away bricks & stones. The authorities don't stop this.
Thus, builders either have to hire big guards to force the issue or they have to get clever and work with folks' preferences. Sometimes, doing either ends up not worth the trouble, so the building doesn't happen.
I think a lot about that, even if the author dude is gross and the story is a bit creepy overall.