:Trek: Picard S02E02

@researchfairy we’re enormous TNG fans in this house and absolutely hated Picard S01. So we’ve put off bothering with S02, would rather watch random TNG reruns on Pluto TV. It would be nice if S02 was worth watching, especially if they let John de Lancie chew scenery

Protip for web marketers: If I came to your site from your mailing list, don't show me the dialog to sign up for your mailing list.

These jerks go all-in on growth hacks & dark patterns but then have no idea what to do once the Active User has Been Acquired.

I'm equally salty about services I pay for which can never quite seem to remember who I am (i.e. keep me signed in) and keep throwing me at a paywall.

Like... I have paid you, the least you can do is remember I'm a customer and stop asking. (They worked real hard on forever-cookies to track me for ads, but the sign-in session is ephemeral?)

This was your morning episode of Old Man Shouts at Clouds. Next up, the weather.

@nobody Do they make wine that's conveniently quick to choke down?

“Jared Leto to star in Tron 3”



@mos_8502 I liked the second one, if only as an extended Daft Punk video

@patrickbrosset I miss working with MDN folks! 👋
