So I was shopping heating pads on Amazon, and this was one of the funnier product images I've seen in awhile?

"Human Safety Voltage" shall be the name of my next Human League / Men Without Hats cover band

@controlfreak Well, it's got mains into a DC transformer, which as you know filters for only the happy pixies and leaves the angry pixies outside

@thegibson The curds MUST SQUEAK

The whole internet loves Larry Feinberg, the AI-generated clone of Jerry Seinfeld!

(5 seconds later)

We regret to inform you that Larry Feinberg is transphobic

(like, this isn't even a bit. this happened.)

"Nothing, Forever" was kinda neat to watch for a bit and I wasn't quite sure just how much or which parts were generated via model. But it would get close to blurting some shitty stuff every now and then, and I was like 😬

I've had reason to be sad lately. I tried writing a little story about it, from the perspective of a container orchestration system.

@danhon I really like the plot arc in season 3 of this show when the secret AIs behind Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion go after the heroes for awhile

@ab78702 @pluralistic But you're missing out on the opportunity to earn badges while you sleep!

(personally, I'm resigned to the machine after 20 years of severe apnea)

MH~; grief

This story brought to you by tears over stinky cat litter, reflexive worry over no-longer-relevant thermometers, and thank you cards received for donations made to a small-town library.
