@colinoflynn Which is the greater horror: if the valves start leaking or if turning the valves either way does apparently nothing?

@thegibson well I didn’t but now that you ask…

So I'm playing with BBS software, as seems to be my wont every year or two. I got one of them hooked up to a message network, thinking it might be neat to get back into that.

The only thing they're talking about is US politics and the chinese balloon, and they're being cranky dicks about it. Suddenly I remembered why I noped back out of this room last time.

@tim yeah, every so often I think I really want to get into ham radio but then I hear about who I’d be talking to and push it down my list of projects

All this "new harry potter game" noise is making me want to re-read A Wizard of Earthsea

@anildash this but blinking like the Giant Bomb guy dot gif

@rhosyn 🤔 hmm, this is an interesting point

@robdaemon maybe you can go back in time and get xanadu running on that NeXT

Going for a walk in the park and I think I have become the Treasure Goblin from Diablo for the crows who live here
