re: star trek picard season 1

@craigmaloney Yeah, we were really disappointed in Picard season 1. Haven't bothered with season 2.

Seemed like a whole season of a bad parallel universe that we kept expecting to have a twist, but nope @ivan I played with this file manager at that Disneyworld booth!

I think when I saw Jurassic Park in the theater I was like 👉 that's the SGI thing from Epcot! (I think it was this Innoventions thing, though the timing seems wrong)

@JessTheUnstill @emmah and if you use it unwisely you spawn a shadow nemesis who stalks you for the rest of your days?

@kusuriya Heh, and my thoughts drift toward the old MacBook Pro that I have running on a shelf in the basement with the screen opened just one inch

@kusuriya @antijingoist I do remember a period many, many years ago when Mozilla had Mac Minis racked in a data center. They had to jam a resistor into certain pins of the monitor jack to keep the things running headless

Edit: Ah yeah, something like this

@Wrewdison Even better is a required written update for the past week, paired with a meeting wherein everyone reads most of their written updates out loud for everyone

Dang it. I saw a handful of YouTube videos over the weekend that have me really wanting to acquire a Wii U

I jail-broke my original Wii, which was easy and yielded pretty rad results. Turns out a Wii U seems to have some pretty rad results after jailbreaking too

Also didn't realize how many WiiU games took advantage of having both a big TV in front of you and a little TV in your hands. Not many, but enough to be interesting.

A couple of my favorite games from the GameCube era were Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and Pac-Man Vs. - both of which required a GameCube along with one GameBoy Advance for each player as a second screen

Also I'm kind of surprised more games haven't taken off with the whole one-big-shared-screen/many-little-private-screens design, given the prevalence of smartphones.

Also, they really really need to release a networked version of LoZ: Four Swords Advenures for the Switch.

Though, it wouldn't be quite the same without bouncing between a shared screen and personal screens.

@sirmacik I tend to alternate between writing an RSS reader or writing a game for learning whatever next language I end up in

@lordbowlich I had heard that they were afraid of opening up things like the market to a mobile client, because they were afraid of bots being able to automate easier there than on PC. But 🤷‍♂️

I also played EVE Echoes for awhile on mobile, which ironically had a very weak & awful market interface back then
