
Finding it funny seeing folks begging for bluesky invites on Mastodon. So it goes.

I'm sure I'll check it out someday, but feels weird to me that a protocol has a waitlist.

I mean, duh, it's that the first-and-only hosted implementation has a waitlist. But still, it smells odd. I guess it would be a mad hype rush otherwise

Started catching up on the new Quantum Leap (2022) and, huh, I forgot Mason Alexander Park was in this. Neat!

β€œAre you wearing cat ears?”
β€œYes, I keep them in my desk in case of meow-gencies.”

Also Ernie Hudson is in this show, which is pretty neat too

Tinkered a bit more with my masto-recall code code this weekend, mainly to make my own exports from Mastodon instances searchable on a local machine.

I'm kind of surprised how infrequently I've mentioned fountain pens?

Thinking I'll blog about this if I can muster the round-tuits. I've learned a bunch about SQLite's JSON functions and full-text search

@gogobonobo It’s not bad? Not the absolute epic best, but decent TV

Woke up from a dream where someone had made one of those giant-sized Unreal Tournament maps out of Frasier Crane’s apartment. The Redeemer was hidden inside a beer can on the table next to his Dad’s ratty chair

@cwebber :spray_bottle:​ :blobcatfearful:​

@jeffg Every now and then I think those maps were a fever dream no one else remembers πŸ˜…

It’d be kinda weird but cool if Peter Gabriel and Fever Ray got together for a collaboration

us politics, fox news, tucker carlson

Seeing the news that Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News.

The funny thing is that it looks to me like they fired him because he had a very thin sliver of a conscience and complained about management. Doesn't at all seem like they've fired him because he's a garbage human.

So, I don't expect that this an indication that things will improve at Fox overall

re: us politics, fox news, tucker carlson

I've pretty much checked out of televised news altogether over the past 18 months, if only for my own well-being.

There was a period in 2020 where Rachel Maddow was on in our house every night and we kept subscribed to a streaming service just because they carried MSNBC. That, along with live streams from protests on Twitch.

But it was like living with fire alarms going off non-stop. Can't do it any more. It wasn't a good source of information anyway, just a mirror to my own persistent low-level panic.

I can only imagine the brain soup that prolonged exposure to Fox causes.

re: us politics, fox news, tucker carlson

So anyway, I guess we've got a whole lot of brain-blendering to look forward to in the populace in the run-up to 2024

I wonder how many people have content warnings set to auto-open because they're here for porn and keep getting annoyed by all the US politics? πŸ€”

(the porn is more wholesome than the politics, mind you)

twitter spam :birdsite:​

Meanwhile, over on Twitter (I know I know I need to stop gawking) someone is either activating Winter Soldiers or spamming to boost a trending tag. It's fascinating

re: twitter spam :birdsite:​

Seems like a bunch of the accounts spamming the hashtag are "real"? I wonder if the app bribes folks with in-game currency bonus or something if they agree to auth their twitter account? I thought the API crackdown efforts were supposed to attenuate this?

@joshua :fingerguns:​

re: twitter spam :birdsite:​

@tim Yeah, pretty sure it is

@wolfger Use the hashtags, Luke

Oof, this cover of Cherry-coloured Funk is lovely

@thegibson we should form a committee to investigate

mastodon meta, "moving" accounts

I just read "Notes to Self on Mastodon" from @jimniels and see the common wish for "moving" content between Mastodon instances.

That's one of the trade-offs of this particular protocol. You can copy the address book, but you can't (easily) change history.

You said what you said, when & where you said it. When you said it, it was replicated to thousands of servers. It might live at a particular URL on your local instance, but it also lives in many remote databases.

To properly "move" would require updating every instance to which you've ever sent a message. Otherwise, no one knows where your stuff went. References and reply threads would all be broken.

We sort of get this for edits and deletes on individual fediverse messages. But, doing this for the entire history of an actor would be fraught & onerous.

It would be like expecting that if you moved from Yahoo Mail to GMail, all the messages you've ever sent get an updated "From:" header in all the remote inboxes and mailing lists to which you've ever sent a message.

Instances could maybe accept imports of content, if only as archived history. But, this would likely be unsatisfying for most other purposes.

re: mastodon meta, "moving" accounts

I think a key notion here is whether you mainly consider what we do here to be "posting content" versus "exchanging messages" - because it's a mashup of both.

re: mastodon meta, "moving" accounts

@tbroyer πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ We'll see how it works? Protocols have tradeoffs, maybe they picked better ones? I haven't been able to play with it yet

re: mastodon meta, "moving" accounts

@tbroyer Yeah, that's a very good non-technical point too!

I'm not much for ASMR, really, but Brian Eno's "We Let it In" does it for me

re: mastodon meta, "moving" accounts

@aurynn @jimniels Yeah, this is definitely an aspect I glossed over. If you "move", you're not just moving your content - you're asking to be hosted by someone else.

I think many of us have gotten really used to the faceless free-for-alls of semi-neglected hosted services, versus venues with more active care & curation

@float13 @vfrmedia I always used to kind of fold the torn-off edges into kind of woven slinkies
