@maddiefuzz @Wrewdison Light the signal fires, sound the horn

@Wrewdison @Luther @maddiefuzz i think the folks at defcon are up to something

So, I got a random urge to try playing Final Fantasy XIV today. I forgot that I'd registered an account, years ago.

Part of the Square Enix account recovery process asked me for the name of my favorite high school teacher.

It took me a very long time and several guesses to remember past-me had responded to this question with "fuck you"

@jrconlin They really get around!

Oh boy do I passionately dislike scrolljacking on the web nngroup.com/articles/scrolljac

Been seeing some captchas lately that are less "prove you're human" and more "prove you have the pristine eyes of a 17 year old with no difficulty discerning the contrast between two colors which differ by one RGB bit"

@Macross @malfunction54 Nah, most moving I'm doing is to the kitchen for lunch

@benbrown as one does

@wingo .SECONDEXPANSION: sounds like a good name for a video game plot wherein the machines attempt to turn the world into grey goo for the SECOND TIME

@socketwench you wanted to take notes on the foldable (well rollable) mobile devices they use in the series to get an edge in product design for your next job

Just realized this is happening in my office window

There's usually a bit of angst between Cheddars and Cosmo - because Cosmo just loves to follow Cheddars around and tries initiating play when she never wants it.

So, Cheddars usually just gives Cosmo a good whack when he gets this close. This is a rare nice bit of peace.


Les Orchard