Making dinner and emptying the dishwasher. I put a dish away in the freezer and I put a frozen sausage away in the cupboard.

@lindsay personally, I'm hoping this new tiktok gyro fidget spinner cures my adhd

"we are still able to make things that make our hearts sing."

wherein @anildash gets me all verklempt over internet computering

@genehack yay what do i win?

I think this video from Autodesk is meant to entice folks back to the office? But also it has a meta-cringe factor that makes me think at it's the opposite?

Also, the punchline of the video is that the "dork" they're trying to entice to return to the office was already there the whole time, just Zooming from his desk on an otherwise empty floor of the building?

I... what?

This, from a CNN Business article "This executive has a unique return-to-office strategy" about RTO at Autodesk.

Sounds like the strategy is making managers pressure folks to return-to-office rather than VPs? It's about collaboration & spontaneity, but also real estate leases:

"However, the program risked letting all employees work from home or any other remote location. And that would have left Autodesk with unused office space and leases that wouldn’t be up for renewal for years."

But, like seriously, that video: Come back to the office, you dork. We have a couch, several books, a coffee machine, a copier, a massage chair, muzak in the restrooms - and if we're good we get ice cream! Also we're up high, so you can see the city.

I... okay

@th I think the fans in my brain just spun up from the effort it's making to parse the parts of this object

@brennen @craigmaloney Yeah, I was really wavering at that point between interpreting this thing as satire - or just really over-earnest like the Resident Assistant putting on a skit describing my old college dorm's amenities for new freshmen

@brennen @craigmaloney The place was falling apart, so we had shit like the RA and her best friend pretending to interview each other about the benefits of fresh air in mid-Michigan winter because all the radiators only ever ran at full-steam and opening windows was the only way to control temperature in the rooms.

@craigmaloney @brennen It was funny at the time, but the RA was really confused and sad that we were laughing 😅

I need to put away laundry but Catsby and Cheddars have a different agenda

@thegibson Insofar as I have help to give, feel free to holler for it if need be
