So, I have a Synology NAS, a SiliconDust HDHomeRun TV tuner, and a Plex subscription with the DVR activated. About 6 months ago, I set up a bunch of scheduled recordings, then kind of forgot about it.

Today, while cleaning up some drive space, I noticed that this setup had managed to record 2 TERABYTES of TV shows from my antenna.

Like, nearly complete series runs of Knight Rider, Fantasy Island, Buffy, MacGuyver, and a bunch of late night talk shows along with miscellaneous other stuff.

I mean, they're chock full of commercials and whatnot - but wow that thing chugged down way more than I expected.

I'm tempted to just delete it all to free up the space, since I obviously haven't been watching or even noticing that these shows were there. (derp) But on the other hand, I got a lot of shows to watch.

@craigmaloney Heh, I've been feeling this lately: "I was in the shower listening to a podcast. Perhaps I need to relax more"

For the past few years, I've tended to start every morning listening to a handful of news podcasts at 1.5-2x speed in the shower. Felt like every day was a Red Alert, but I Need To Know what fresh hell had happened overnight. And I wondered why I felt like a wreck by the time I got to my desk 😅

@scarfwitch @craigmaloney Oof, hope not to stress overmuch, mileage varies. For me, 2x is calming. Definitely not bragging about it 😅

I think I have an audio processing issue related to ADHD where I find it difficult to maintain focus & attention on "normal" paced speech. Easy for me to wander and lose connection between words in a sentence if someone takes too long for my brain to stay engaged

@scarfwitch @craigmaloney Brains are confusing, they all seem to work different and often inconveniently 😖

@squeevening Now I'm picturing Castiel drinking lava lamps

@jrwren @davidlantner Yeah, a bunch of it isn't exactly collectable archival quality, but it's good enough for an idle watch. Especially for ancient shows like fantasy island
