@calcifer Those are super neato!

@aurynn I'm not sure about the taxonomy tree systems, because those seem hard to build in a non-centrally-managed way.

But I have wanted a del.icio.us social bookmarking revival with folksonomy tagging and maybe federated search against friends' collections. We have some efforts toward that, but seems like few of us have free time to tinker much these days

Web 3.0 is going-- haughuhauhuhahguhauhg (drowns under spammy package manager entries posted for coin-clout)

@tedmielczarek @QuietMisdreavus Newer, beefier Synology boxen even run Docker, these days!

@tedmielczarek @QuietMisdreavus (assuming that's not a reason to flee in horror)

Apple products are magic! (1)

(1) animated by capricious and baffling thought-forms through which I have occasionally and inadvertently summoned a Nemesis that will hunt me to my end of days

@pseudonym they deem it be named "multi-touch"

@jonw I'm going to show this image to all my malfunctioning devices and then do that thing where I point to my eyes and then point at them


Les Orchard

@requiem SERENITY NOW SERENITY NOW terraform destroy
