Enjoyed an extremely niche nerdgasm today: I successfully compiled and flashed new open source QMK firmware for my Anne Pro 2 keyboard using a Docker container.

It seems to have better bluetooth and RGB LED support than the stock firmware and doesn't lose all its settings if the battery runs out.

I'm aware that the excitement over this is so very specific

(but also, I think it's fairly relatable that I got tired of my keyboard forgetting what color to be and where the cursor keys should live, every time I forgot to charge it overnight)

@GeoffWozniak @cypnk FWIW, I think the Lite just has plain old rubber dome switches and not Topre. I've gotten a handful of Lites and was gifted a Professional - and the HHKB Professional feels & sounds quite a bit different

@IamMrsGeek oof, having moved a few times and resorted to air mattresses, that is such a relatable mood

@GeoffWozniak @cypnk The pro hhkb is pretty nice! But, I don't know if I would have bought it for myself at full price, even for those switches 😅
