You know what I want? Smart glasses.

But not, like, glasses with cameras and speakers in the frames. I mean glasses that can change focus and prescription on demand so that I don't have to juggle multiple pairs of glasses because I'm apparently old.

I've long been tempted to (attempt to) pull off this look (from the cover of Information Society's album Hack) so that I can just have dial-able glasses

Oh yeah, it's Inverted Castle time bay-bee!

This was one of my favorite WTF moments in gaming, Like, I thought I was at the end credits and... wait, there's an entire second castle descending upside down from the friggin' clouds? The game's only half over?!

A great thing about the Inverted Castle in SotN is that, by the time you get there, it takes most of the traversal and movement upgrades gathered throughout the game to make the levels even make sense. But you kinda feel like a badass making it work. (At least I do)

If I were somehow a billionaire, I think I would just fund dev teams to make video games I like.

You know, like after paying a bunch of charities and whatnot. But after that, AAA remake of Guardian of Legend from NES

Gave a demo over zoom today for my whole org at work. The Live Demo Gods smiled upon me and it seems my rapid nervous mouth noises conveyed some form of sense to the connected audience?

@anildash I keep wanting to find opportunities to use this meme post I made a few years back

Every now and then I think "oh yeah that blog post I wrote a little while ago" and then realize "a little while" was over 10 years ago 😅

@UncleDuke1969 this "baby" is, in reality, 439 years old. that's how they getcha

@ephzero Hey guys how ya doin'? Ope oops! (stumbles in holding a VSCode mug, trips, spills coffee everywhere)

It is 86F / 30C in my office - time to have hot instant ramen for lunch!

@LilahTovMoon "huh, this beer kind of tastes like rusty screws and live bees?"
