Signs seen on a bike ride through the Eastbank Esplanade yesterday

@mph those are amazing

@interfluidity I was like eh, I've seen all this befo-- Old Bay? Is this Baltimore, Maryland?

@socketwench @c0debabe At work, my commit messages are like full sentences and bullet lists. At home on side projects I'm all "lol" "moar tinkering" "puttering" "the yak shaving is interminable" "fudgie the whale disapproves"

I've had "Told Her on Alderaan" by NEON NEON stuck in my head all weekend thanks to a shuffled playlist. Reminds me of Men at Work crossed with Wang Chung

I see a story like this - "German Navy still uses 8-inch floppy disks, working on emulating a replacement" - and I see all the requisite eye-rolling and whatnot.

And I think, surely they're not antiquated morons. I wonder what they've tried and rejected, for various reasons of logistics & supply chain & training & procedure?

Because I can order a cheap Gotek floppy emulator off Amazon and throw it in my Amiga 1200, but I doubt they'd want that in an armed frigate for a variety of reasons

But maybe I'm overthinking this and they're antiquated morons

Oh the other hand, I've got this growing hunch that the next war will be won with overwhelming piles of cheap-ass drones with a ludicrous failure rate and deplorable reliability but just enough intelligence and persistence to do the needful in astonishing numbers

Just finished reading Becky Chambers' novella "To Be Taught, If Fortunate" and dang it if she doesn't find a new, unique way to make me tear up and yearn with every story

I keep not managing to carve out time for it, but tempted to get around to building a little social bookmarking web app with federated search.

Woke up with the name "pebbler" for it in my head - because of the thing where penguins gift pebbles? only this would be people gifting each other with links? If it's cute, will that get me to work on it?

Or maybe pebblr, just to take me back to the 2006 era? (Oh, except seems to exist)

"pebbleur"? I dunno, it sounds like fake french that I don't speak

I just accidentally searched on duck duck go for googl

I remember when I worked at Yahoo! that I heard our number one search term was "google"
