I have logged onto Delta’s free wifi on my flight with just about 1 hour left til home to report that the lady next to me keeps kicking me as she tries to sleep and I yearn for hermitage

Also I have been in transit for about 20 hours now and can’t myself sleep on planes. đŸ˜Ș I did watch 3 movies, read 2 novels, and wrote one journal entry though

Now my frustration is I can’t get my Kindle on the wifi to download the 3rd installment of Mary Robinette Kowal’s “Lady Astronaut” series because I scarfed down the first two already

(also i think i just witnessed someone snore with sufficient unhinged-jaw vigor to suck the face mask they were wearing fully into their mouth. my noise canceling headphones continue to be the real mvp)

Oh huzzah, i am now experiencing the sky moisture of my home city. Nearly there
