🤔 does Noctua have an OnlyFans?
🤔 does Noctua have an OnlyFans?
@cinebox they're very quiet about it
Huh, I just saw that Pobox is merging with Fastmail. Already a customer of both, so I guess that's cool?
I just got offered a free piano via e-mail. What a lucky day! This couldn't possibly be a scam /s
@llamasoft_ox very soothing, very leisurely
I suspect the squirrels in my yard have it pretty good. They live in a nest in a safe tree that grows lots of berries every year, and I feed them and the scrub jays lots of peanuts in back. They're never all that scared of me when I wander around outside.
decided to stop shopping at Carhartt, too many sweats